Up the pole!
My friend John told me a story the other day. Sat in Listening Post, our Friday morning quiet time at The Centre, a picture came to his mind that he’d seen on television of a Scottish Power worker , aloft on a pole in high winds attempting to restore power to some of the thousands of people who were without electricity following the very poor weather in Scotland. John was struck by the thought that this is what the church is about: helping restore connections between people and other people, and between people and a higher power, or God.
John said I could share that with you. I like the idea for various reasons.
The church is not the provider of the power but an access point.
The church, like the power companies, does not have a monopoly on power – although some of us may think we do.
Sometimes connections may be broken by us, at other times we may be victims of circumstances.
Sometimes making connections, with each other or with that which is beyond us, is hard and dangerous work.
I wonder what you think.
Thanks John.