Trinity Methodist Church Sunday Services are held at 11 a.m.

There are facilities for children at the morning service and refreshments afterwards.

Date11am Morning Service
12th JanuaryPalmer
19th JanuaryOA
26th FebruaryJasper
2nd FebruaryOA
16th FebruaryOA
23rd FebruaryPalmer

An “S” after the service leader’s name indicates that the service includes the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

Special services are also held on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Other services are held as advertised. 


Prayer Meeting

Prayer group meets every other Thursday at 9:30am in The Sanctuary.


The Advent Spiral


Other activities:


Sectional Bible Study

Sectional bible study is held monthly at a different chapel each month. Call 07741 318592 for information.